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True worship

By: Evangelist Odelia Nwankwo

Worship is an attitude and an act of reverence to God. It means to bow down, prostrate posture indicating reverence and homage oneself-a given to a superior being God is seriously in need of true worshippers and is ready to bless and give them their heart’s desire. God’s purpose for creating us is to worship him in truth and spirit. ‘But the hour is coming and now is when true worshippers will worship the father in spirit and truth for the father is seeking such to worship him. God is a spirit and those who worship him must do so in spirit and truth’. (John 4 23-24)

The bible verse above confirms God’s need for true worshippers as well as the conditions for true worship. Some people choose to worship idols, human beings, water, sacred trees, marine spirits, sacred rocks, evil spirits etc. while Christians worship the living God who is the creator as well as the Alpha and Omega. Worshippers of idols and other spirits whip them through sacrifice of blood fetish practices, but God is interested in  total submission of soul and body to him.. The worship as stated above entails

nce and homage to God which should crom inner spirit and seen externally.

So any people claim to worship God but hey don’t practice true worship. The act of rue worship is what separates genuine Christians from the fake ones.

True worshippers are seldom and rarely seen in many churches. True worship was explained in Rev 4c1-11. The twenty four elders and the four living creatures show us how to worship God as well as how to worship him truly.

Rev 4 8 shows us that the four living creatures never stop saying holy, holy, holy is the lord God Almighty. This shows that whoever will worship God will worship him in holiness. That is why Jesus told us to be holy because our father in heaven is holy too. The twenty four elders are also a good example of true worshippers who do not equate their positions with God. Whenever the four living creatures declare the Lord’s holiness, the twenty four elders leave their thrones, remove their crowns and lay them at the feet of the king of kings and worship him saying You are worthy our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their beings.

This however implies that we as Christians must leave our home (thrones) on earth whenever it is time to worship God. Many find it difficult to kneel down in the church during consecration because they are equating themselves with God. To truly worship God, we must forget our positions just as the twenty four elders have We must forget our offices, posi and titles. We have to empty oursel of whom we are whether governor,

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